VDV Track Design, Survey and Construction Seminar 2023 (VDV Gleisbauseminar 2023)

On March 3rd and 4th, the "VDV Track Design, Survey and Construction Seminar" took place at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT) in Berlin. Fortunately, after the Corona break, the training seminar "VDV Track Design, Survey and Construction 2023" could finally be held again as a face-to-face event. It offered an ideal opportunity for personal professional exchange between participants and exhibitors, both during the lecture program, the excursions, and at the evening industry get-together.

This year's topics were very diverse, ranging from basics in geodesy, as-built survey, railway alignment design, clearance analysis, BIM, and railway planning to innovative measurement methods. These were rounded off with the opportunity for an interdisciplinary exchange of experience between all participants in the discussions following the presentations.

Trimble Railway GmbH also took part in this year's round of presentations. In the category of as-built survey and railway alignment design, Andreas Sinning and Kai Naumann presented Trimble GEDO IMS-GNSS as a new measuring method for projects without classic track marking points. This concept accompanies track construction work in terms of surveying with the lowest possible expenditure of time and personnel. The method combines state-of-the-art inertial measurement technology with GNSS on a GEDO track measurement trolley so that all relevant track geometry parameters are recorded in a single measurement operation. In the lecture, the surveying concept was presented and explained in more detail using a trial project with the Turkish railway (TCDD).

More Information

Vortrag Gleisbau 2023
Presentation Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Sinning, Businnes Area Director Trimble Track Survey & Scanning

Trimble was also represented in the exhibition area, showing the Trimble GEDO IMS-Scan system, attracting interest among all age groups. The local distributor AllTerra Deutschland GmbH presented the Trimble MX9 Mobile Mapping system, which recently got the product approval from Deutsche Bahn.

Gleisbau Collage Bilder


About the Author

Trimble Railway GmbH

As the market leader in positioning solutions for construction and surveying, Trimble offers a wealth of experience and an extensive product range for tasks in the track environment. The solutions offered range from software for the creation of feasibility studies and route finding to systems for inventory taking and system solutions for machine control and track measurement for construction and maintenance.