Trimble GEDO measurement systems provide millimeter accuracy for all slab track surveying applications.
When constructing slab track, direct fixated and embedded track, fast and precise measurements and display of live results are required. Trimble GEDO systems provide all relevant information in real time. This means that deviations from the designed track position can be corrected immediately.
After the concrete pour, any necessary correction values for fine adjustments are determined, and the final check measurement is carried out.
Trimble GEDO systems are used worldwide during and after the construction of high-speed railway lines and in LRT and metro environments. The flexible design allows the use with a wide range of construction and alignment methods (i.e. Rheda system, Porr, and others).
The Trimble GEDO Track System is used for the installation process and final inspection. The Trimble GEDO IMS system enables highly productive final inspection.
The Trimble GEDO SPS system is used to install track support plates when rails have not yet been installed.
The PSCD system allows the control of track support plates during the production process.

The Trimble GEDO Track system consists of the Trimble GEDO CE 2.0 track measurement trolley or electronic Trimble GEDO Track Bar with a Trimble control unit in combination with a Trimble total station. The electronic Trimble GEDO Track Bar is used for smaller projects or when a track measurement trolley cannot be used due to the construction method.
Combined with Trimble Access Rail module GEDO Track Trolley, respectively Trimble Access Rail module GEDO Track Bar software, the system provides an easy-to-use, fully integrated measurement system for highly accurate track installation, inspection, and quality control.
In a single step, the three-dimensional position of the track as well as track gauge and cant (superelevation) values are recorded. The measured data is compared with the track design alignment. Offset and correction values are displayed directly on site to enable the construction crews to adjust the track accordingly.
When used for final inspection and quality control, extensive inspection, and acceptance reports, as well as correction lists, can be generated.
The high-precision system is suitable for both conventional track and high-speed lines.
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The Trimble GEDO IMS system consists of the Trimble GEDO CE 2.0 track measurement trolley with a Trimble GEDO IMU and a Trimble control unit in combination with a Trimble total station.
The system is used for highly productive final inspection of slab track, direct fixated and embedded track. The almost fully automatic geodetic resection in combination with the most modern inertial measuring technology optimizes the measuring process with the highest accuracy.
Based on the measurement results, the acceptance reports and correction lists required for final inspection and quality control can be generated.
The highly accurate and highly productive system is particularly suitable for high-speed lines and longer track sections.

The Trimble GEDO SPS system is a flexible measurement solution for aligning slab track. The alignment is performed based on digital track alignment data and precise control points.
The system is customized and individually adjusted for each project. It can be used for different track support plate types, production sequences and manufacturing methods where a rail is not yet mounted during the plate alignment procedure.
The Trimble GEDO SPS system combines different sensors to provide precise vertical and lateral correction values at all plate positions required for the alignment procedure.
The simple user interface allows the system to be used on site by workers without survey background.

With the PSCD system, an integrated measuring system is available for the inspection of track support plates during production in the factory.
The system is customized and adapted to the different track support plate types used. All relevant parameters of the track support plates can be recorded and logged. These include the inclination of the bearing surfaces, the inner and outer bead width, the torsion of the bearing surfaces in relation to each other as well as the torsion of the plate and the versines