Office Software
GEDO NovaTrack

Design alignment with its absolute position has always been a highly demanding and challenging subject when it comes to as-built track quality evaluation, speed increase tasks or track tamping applications. Trimble GEDO NovaTrack software enables automatic and semi-automatic reverse calculation of alignment geometry, based on track survey data from Trimble GEDO systems. This way the alignment elements, with optimal parameters and absolute position are estimated and fitted based on current track conditions.

- Automatic and semi-automatic alignments calculation based on existing track data
- Powerful regression algorithm for alignment element prediction and sequence
- Intelligent track alignment reconstruction from curvature and direction diagrams
- Consideration of rule specifications and limit values for speed and cant
- Graphical and parametric element editing options
- Multiple views for alignment visualisation
- Gradient definition via change of inclination with and without rounding
- Various design cant and speed calculation options
- Flexible data exchange with GEDO Office and GEDO Scan Office software
- Full alignment data compatibility with Trimble GEDO Track measurement systems

- Track renewal and maintenance without a valid or heavily deteriorated alignment geometry
- Renewal of tracks using best-fit alignment geometry
- Efficient optimal alignment estimation for selected track sections
- Alignment reconstruction for a complex alignment design projects
- Estimation and documentation of existing track alignment parameters
- Proofing an old alignment conformity with a current track geometry

- Utilising add-on background map data from .GTD, .LandXML and .DXF file formats during alignment editing stage
- Automatically calculating an optimal design cant based on the cant information from the track survey data
- Verification of offsets between main alignment and adjacent infrastructure objects: Tracks, signal gantries / OCS masts, catenary installations and other structures
- Verification of the old or new proposed design alignments against user defined rulesets for compliance