GEDO Office

GEDO Office Base module for project data management and preparation for field work
- Import of alignment data (i.e. MDB, LandXML, Verm.esn, Ascii-Bahn)
- Editing, validating and managing of alignment data
- Input of analog track marking plans
- Project definition
GEDO Office module Rec for analysis and further processing of measurements from GEDO Rec and GEDO Track systems, as well as data from Trimble Access Track Gauge Survey
- Station setups and measurement data can be re-calculated in case control point coordinates have changed
- Track sections taken from different station setups are merged into one resulting track
- Variance comparison between measured track and design alignment
GEDO Office module Vorsys for analysis and further processing of measurements from GEDO Vorsys system
- Chord measurements can be re-calculated in case control point coordinates have changed
- Variance comparison between measured track and design alignment

GEDO Office module IMS for analysis and further processing of measurements from GEDO IMS system
- Post-processing in case control point coordinates have changed
- Turning chord endpoints on/off (spanning)
- Processing of GNSS, total station and GEDO Profiler measurements
- Merging of several measurements into one track trajectory
- Variance comparison between measured track and design alignment
GEDO Office module Tamp for data preparation for tamping machines based on measurements from GEDO Rec, GEDO Track, TGS, GEDO Vorsys or GEDO IMS systems
- Analysis and data preparation for tamping machine
- Interactive and graphical editing
- Definition of ramps at the beginning and end as well as at constraint points
- Consideration of minimum and maximum lifts as well as maximum shifts
- Special function for platforms
- Output of geometry file and tamping data for tamping machine
- Formats for all well-known manufacturers (Plasser & Theurer, Matisa, Harsco Rail, Plasser American, Framafer, etc.)

GEDO Office module Quality for generating quality reports for absolute and relative track position
- Quality reports for relative track position
- Travel chord reports with user definable chord lengths
- Various country or region specific quality reports
- User definable output formats
- Acceptance documentation for slab track
- Optimization and creation of slab track correction lists
GEDO Office module Monitoring for comparison of measurements from different epochs for track monitoring purposes and control of tamping work
- Create a reference / epoch 0 measurement
- Comparison with follow-up measurements / epochs
- Processing of measurement data created by different GEDO systems
- Graphical and tabular visualization and output