The Trimble GEDO IMS system consists of the Trimble GEDO CE 2.0 track measurement trolley with a Trimble GEDO IMU and a Trimble control unit in combination with a Trimble GEDO Profiler or a Trimble total station.
The state-of-the-art inertial measurement technology used in this system guarantees a maximum of productivity and is largely independent of weather conditions. The absolute track position is captured by measurements to control points using a Trimble GEDO Profiler or Trimble total station.
The Trimble GEDO IMS system is used on larger projects with highest productivity and ease-of-use requirements.

- Control of control point measurement and capturing of absolute track geometry in combination with track gauge, cant (superelevation) and twist
- Display of the differences between actual and design according to track alignment after each section
- Display of the main track points
- Special function for measuring topo points and platform edges
- Measurement to control points for variance comparison
- Optimized user guidance for track construction tasks
GEDO Office
- Analysis and further processing of GEDO IMS measurements
- Fitting of the measured track trajectory can be re-calculated in case control point coordinates have changed
- Variance comparison between measured track and design alignment
- Analysis and data preparation for the tamping machine
- Definition of ramps at the beginning and end as well as at constraint points
- Consideration of minimum and maximum lifts as well as maximum shifts
- Output of geometry file and tamping data for tamping machine
- Formats for all well-known manufacturers (Plasser & Theurer, Matisa, Harsco Rail, Plasser American, Framafer, etc.)
- Quality reports for track position

Trimble GEDO Profiler
The GEDO profiler is used to reference the trajectory measured using the Trimble GEDO IMS system via marked control points. The resulting track trajectory can be used for as-built surveys.
Trimble Total Station
A Trimble S-Series total station can be used for referencing instead of the GEDO Profiler. The resulting track trajectory can be used for as-built surveys.

- Measurement of the three-dimensional track position, track gauge and cant (superelevation), as well as calculation of twist in one step
- Import of digital track alignment data. Checking of the track alignment data in the office software prior to starting the field work.
- Precise and reliable control of track geometry
- Reduced time required for documentation and acceptance measurement. Recording of the correction values and track acceptance data as well as swift protocol generation for construction companies and quality control.
- Shortened construction time and reduced costs due to immediate comparison of the differences between actual and design according to the track alignment
- Extensive options for data analysis and evaluation
- Software allows a fast evaluation and transfer of tamping data to the tamping machine

- Pre-measurement for track tamping application
- Checking the absolute track position before, during and after construction work
- Variance comparison for acceptance
- Verification and documentation of track geometry according to EN 13848-4